Women’s Health – Coaching, Aromatherapy and Meditation in Wiltshire, UK

Women’s wellness therapist offering aromatherapy, holistic therapy and coaching, and meditation in Devizes, Wiltshire, UK

Supporting you into empowered change, increased well-being and healing

Creating space for deep relaxation, inspiration, and personal and spiritual growth


  Women’s mentoring and coaching – stress, life changes, grief, divorce, the search for happiness   Learn more

Meditation for inner peace and well-being   Learn more

Aromatherapy – for many issues including stress, menopause, fibromyalgia sleep problems and more  Learn more

ScarWork – hip, knee replacements, C-Section scar healing, mastectomy and breast surgery  Learn more

“Sometimes, simply having someone to listen can make all the difference in the world!”

Call to book your free 15 minute consultation or to find out more 

 Meditation – key to a successful life!

Supporting you with relationships, business, health, stress, pain management, and personal and spiritual growth

Yoga and Meditation give us tools for living with more energy, enthusiasm and happiness

Learning to meditate is the best thing you can do for your life – creating the relaxation, inner peace and happiness we are all seeking.  Meditation reminds us that within each one of us is an inner core of calmness that we can learn to access at will.   It helps us  reach inner security in an uncertain world.  Learning this simple, yet effective technique supports us in facing life’s challenges, and reducing stress.  It also connects us to the unchanging part of ourselves where our true happiness and security are found. 

You don’t need to meditate for hours to start reaping the benefits of meditation. You can begin with as little as five or ten minutes daily.  

I offer meditation lessons to both individuals and groups – contact me to find out more.  

I lead the Ananda UK & Ireland meditation community, offering online weekly meditations, gentle yoga classes and regular  in person workshops and retreats.   Based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.  Joy is within you!

Find out more about meditation here

Herbal Workshops

Learn to make your own natural products, and how to use essential oils and aromatherapy in everyday life

Herb Workshops Aromatherapy Workshops to learn how to make your own natural, vegan face, body and health products

I run unique workshops on healing herbs, aromatherapy, and making natural products.  A few hours of creativity, nature and healing, and  some ‘Practical Magic’ to take home with you. From gathering herbs and making natural products, to meditative moments and peacefulness, these workshops appeal to both the practical and the mystical.   Open to everyone who would love to know more about healing herbs, wild plants, aromatherapy and natural herbal remedies. Not only will you gain a lot of knowledge on healing plants, you will also go home with products you make yourself.  Gift vouchers also available.

Early booking recommended as these sell out fast! 

Next workshops June and October 2025 – details out soon!

More info here

Free ‘Practical Magic’  healing herbs Ebook

Aromatherapy and Healing

The therapy to soothe and and heal

Hands on healing, combined with the benefits of aromatherapy oils, promote a deep relaxation of both body and mind.  Supportive when you’re feeling low and depleted,  for grief and loss, or struggling with health issues.  Gentle and restorative for conditions including arthritisfibromyalgia, sleep issues, grief, stress and CFS.  Soothing and nourishing for menstrual and menopause health and pregnancy.  Or simply to be kind to yourself and have an hour of blissful relaxation and peacefulness.

A soothing and healing treatment for when you’re feeling tender, either physically or emotionally.  

Find out more here

Nalini Wellness

I offer a safe, healing space, for individuals and groups, and the opportunity for you to find your inner peace, strength and happiness, whatever life presents you with.  

  • Women’s mentoring and coaching 
  • Spiritual mentoring and coaching (I am an authorised Ananda Minister)
  •  Meditation – groups, classes and retreats
  • Aromatherapy and healing
  • ScarWork for breast surgery, C-Section and other scars
  • Herbal workshops

Call to book your free 15 minute consultation or to find out more 


“Nalini has this wonderful combination of humour and wisdom, a true connector.  Her enthusiasm and reverence for whatever it is she is teaching, from an herbal workshop, to meditation techniques, transmits as joy, and joy is inspiring. Her willingness to share her own journey, her own imperfections and humanness with humour and compassion towards herself….allows people to consider that for themselves as well”. (Andrea)

“Your session really helped me view my grief differently, thank you so much” (anon)

“Thank you Nalini for a really inspirational workshop.  I feel more peaceful and somehow more myself” (New Year Women’s Workshop)